PC Vs Non-PC San Pedro Cuttings: What You Need To Know
Are you interested in growing your own San Pedro cacti, but unsure what the terms ‘PC’ and ‘non-PC’ mean when purchasing cuttings? If you’ve recently stumbled upon my San Pedro extraction video on Vimeo and have been left with questions about these abbreviations, you’re in luck. This blog post aims to clear up any confusion and help you understand what you should be looking out for when buying cuttings.
Understanding PC And Non-PC Cuttings
‘PC’ stands for Predominant Cultivar or Predominant Clone. Essentially, this means that the cutting you’re purchasing comes from a mother cactus that has been cloned repeatedly over the years. The significant issue with PC cuttings is that after countless rounds of cloning, the genetics of the cactus have been diluted to such an extent that the plant’s active compounds are almost non-existent.
In contrast, ‘non-PC’ cuttings refer to those obtained from a wild cactus or one grown from a seed. Their genetics are much stronger and more potent due to the absence of the extensive cloning process.
Why You Should Opt For Non-PC Cuttings
If you’re interested in cultivating San Pedro for the reasons discussed in my video, you should always opt for non-PC cuttings. It is vital to question your seller or nursery about the nature of the cuttings—whether they are PC or non-PC—before you make a purchase.
Remember, a significant number of nurseries, around 9 out of 10, sell PC San Pedro cuttings. It’s common to find PC cacti, but these are not what you want if you aim to extract maximum benefits from your plant.
Where To Purchase Non-PC Cuttings
When purchasing cuttings, my personal preference is to buy from individual sellers online rather than local nurseries. These sellers typically offer non-PC cuttings and are generally more transparent about their plants’ origins.
It’s essential to ensure that the cactus is harvested sustainably and not just randomly cut down. Ideally, the cactus should be grown from a seed. Once you find the perfect cutting, you can start growing your cacti, make them root, and begin your own cultivation journey.
The Takeaway
Whether you plan on planting your cuttings or growing your cacti from seeds, remember to always avoid PC versions. Choosing non-PC is crucial to getting the most from your San Pedro cacti.
In the world of cacti cultivation, knowing the difference between PC and non-PC is vital. Don’t end up disappointed with weak, genetically diluted plants. Make the right choice and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Remember, grow good, live good, and be good. Namaste.